platform for all
Out-of-Home networks

Parcel lockers . PUDO . Click & Collect


We are a specialist solutions company serving operators of parcel lockers, PUDO, and Click & Collect networks.

If you operate an Out-of-Home network you will benefit from our services. Our products and services are based on over a decade of experience with the worlds best parcel locker operators and vendors.

We offer unique know-how and capabilities to deliver results. Unified Logistics Platform™ (ULP) is complete OOH platform and is at the center of our offering.

Unified Logistics Platform (ULP)

Unified Logistics Platform™ is hardware and carrier agnostic. It covers all the key aspects of running an OOH network.

Built for performance and scalability it can integrate your existing hardware and Mobile Apps, catering for a multitude of business models. By choosing ULP you ensure the ability to add different types of hardware and functionalities. The system architecture and the Agile working model allow for rapid introduction of new services.

Global reach

We work with some of the best companies in the world in the areas of Out-Of-Home advisory, information technology, hardware manufacturing, and related field services

Combination of know-how and ability to mobilise at scale allows for a rapid and effective deployment of Out-Of-Home networks worldwide.

 Turnkey solutions

We provide turnkey solutions in the space of OOH Networks.

From support in locations acquisition, through hardware specification and sourcing, network deployment, monitoring and maintenance of the asset life cycle to decomissioning.

From support in formulating business strategy, through detailing operating plans to supporting the project execution. We have the necessary experience in delivering complex projects.

Make the most out of your Out-of-Home business potential